The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of chemical elements, ordered by their atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties. The elements are listed in rows to illustrate periodic trends, with columns grouping elements with similar characteristics.
आवर्त सारणी एक ऐसी तालिका है जिसमें रासायनिक तत्वों को उनके परमाणु क्रमांक, इलेक्ट्रॉन विन्यास और आवर्त गुणों के अनुसार व्यवस्थित किया गया है। यह वैज्ञानिकों को तत्वों को आसानी से समझने और उनका उपयोग करने में मदद करता है।
Structure of the Periodic Table (आवर्त सारणी की संरचना)
The modern periodic table consists of 118 elements, with each element having its unique atomic number, atomic mass, symbol, and chemical properties. The table is divided into groups (columns) and periods (rows).
Groups and Periods (समूह और आवर्त)
- Groups: There are 18 vertical columns, called groups. Elements in the same group share similar properties.
- Periods: The 7 horizontal rows are called periods. Elements in the same period have the same number of electron shells.
Group | Period |
Alkali Metals (Group 1) | 1st Period (H, He) |
Alkaline Earth Metals (Group 2) | 2nd Period (Li to Ne) |
Halogens (Group 17) | 6th Period (Cs to Rn) |
Atomic Number and Mass (परमाणु संख्या और द्रव्यमान)
Each element on the periodic table is characterized by its atomic number (number of protons) and atomic mass (sum of protons and neutrons). The atomic number is located at the top of each element box, while the atomic mass is usually displayed at the bottom.
परमाणु संख्या प्रत्येक तत्व के परमाणु में प्रोटॉन की संख्या को दर्शाती है। परमाणु द्रव्यमान प्रोटॉन और न्यूट्रॉन का कुल योग होता है।
Element | Symbol | Atomic Number | Atomic Mass |
Hydrogen | H | 1 | 1.008 |
Carbon | C | 6 | 12.011 |
Oxygen | O | 8 | 15.999 |
Iron | Fe | 26 | 55.845 |
Types of Elements (तत्वों के प्रकार)
The elements in the periodic table can be categorized into three main groups:
1. Metals (धातु)
Metals are generally good conductors of electricity and heat, malleable, and shiny. Most elements in the periodic table are metals.
- Examples: Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Gold (Au)
2. Non-metals (अधातु)
Non-metals are poor conductors of heat and electricity. They are brittle and can exist in solid, liquid, or gaseous states.
- Examples: Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Sulfur (S)
3. Metalloids (उपधातु)
Metalloids have properties that are intermediate between metals and non-metals.
- Examples: Silicon (Si), Boron (B)
Key Elements and Their Uses (प्रमुख तत्व और उनके उपयोग)
1. Hydrogen (H)
- Atomic Number: 1
- Atomic Mass: 1.008
- Uses: Hydrogen is used in fuel cells, rocket fuel, and industrial processes.
2. Oxygen (O)
- Atomic Number: 8
- Atomic Mass: 15.999
- Uses: Essential for respiration in living organisms and combustion.
3. Carbon (C)
- Atomic Number: 6
- Atomic Mass: 12.011
- Uses: Forms the basis of all known life forms, used in fossil fuels and organic chemistry.
4. Iron (Fe)
- Atomic Number: 26
- Atomic Mass: 55.845
- Uses: Widely used in construction, steel production, and manufacturing.
Periodic Table Layout (आवर्त सारणी का लेआउट)
The modern periodic table arranges elements by increasing atomic number and groups them into metals, non-metals, and metalloids.
- Group 1: Alkali Metals (e.g., Lithium, Sodium)
- Group 2: Alkaline Earth Metals (e.g., Magnesium, Calcium)
- Group 17: Halogens (e.g., Fluorine, Chlorine)
- Group 18: Noble Gases (e.g., Helium, Neon)
Special Elements (विशेष तत्व)
- Lanthanides and Actinides: These are placed separately at the bottom of the table.
Element Series | Elements |
Lanthanides | Cerium (Ce) to Lutetium (Lu) |
Actinides | Thorium (Th) to Lawrencium (Lr) |
Elements with Atomic Number and Mass (परमाणु संख्या और द्रव्यमान वाले तत्व)
Here’s the full periodic table with atomic number, symbols, element names, and atomic masses:
Atomic Number | Symbol | Element Name | Atomic Mass |
1 | H | Hydrogen | 1.008 |
2 | He | Helium | 4.0026 |
3 | Li | Lithium | 6.94 |
4 | Be | Beryllium | 9.0122 |
5 | B | Boron | 10.81 |
6 | C | Carbon | 12.011 |
7 | N | Nitrogen | 14.007 |
8 | O | Oxygen | 15.999 |
9 | F | Fluorine | 18.998 |
10 | Ne | Neon | 20.180 |
11 | Na | Sodium | 22.990 |
12 | Mg | Magnesium | 24.305 |
13 | Al | Aluminium | 26.9815 |
14 | Si | Silicon | 28.085 |
15 | P | Phosphorus | 30.9738 |
16 | S | Sulfur | 32.06 |
17 | Cl | Chlorine | 35.45 |
18 | Ar | Argon | 39.948 |
19 | K | Potassium | 39.0983 |
20 | Ca | Calcium | 40.078 |
21 | Sc | Scandium | 44.9559 |
22 | Ti | Titanium | 47.867 |
23 | V | Vanadium | 50.9415 |
24 | Cr | Chromium | 51.9961 |
25 | Mn | Manganese | 54.938 |
26 | Fe | Iron | 55.845 |
27 | Co | Cobalt | 58.933 |
28 | Ni | Nickel | 58.6934 |
29 | Cu | Copper | 63.546 |
30 | Zn | Zinc | 65.38 |
31 | Ga | Gallium | 69.723 |
32 | Ge | Germanium | 72.63 |
33 | As | Arsenic | 74.9216 |
34 | Se | Selenium | 78.96 |
35 | Br | Bromine | 79.904 |
36 | Kr | Krypton | 83.798 |
37 | Rb | Rubidium | 85.4678 |
38 | Sr | Strontium | 87.62 |
39 | Y | Yttrium | 88.9059 |
40 | Zr | Zirconium | 91.224 |
41 | Nb | Niobium | 92.9064 |
42 | Mo | Molybdenum | 95.95 |
43 | Tc | Technetium | [98] |
44 | Ru | Ruthenium | 101.07 |
45 | Rh | Rhodium | 102.9055 |
46 | Pd | Palladium | 106.42 |
47 | Ag | Silver | 107.8682 |
48 | Cd | Cadmium | 112.414 |
49 | In | Indium | 114.818 |
50 | Sn | Tin | 118.71 |
51 | Sb | Antimony | 121.760 |
52 | Te | Tellurium | 127.6 |
53 | I | Iodine | 126.90447 |
54 | Xe | Xenon | 131.293 |
55 | Cs | Cesium | 132.9055 |
56 | Ba | Barium | 137.327 |
57–71 | La-Lu | Lanthanides | [138.905-174] |
72 | Hf | Hafnium | 178.49 |
73 | Ta | Tantalum | 180.9479 |
74 | W | Tungsten | 183.84 |
75 | Re | Rhenium | 186.207 |
76 | Os | Osmium | 190.23 |
77 | Ir | Iridium | 192.217 |
78 | Pt | Platinum | 195.084 |
79 | Au | Gold | 196.966569 |
80 | Hg | Mercury | 200.59 |
81 | Tl | Thallium | 204.38 |
82 | Pb | Lead | 207.2 |
83 | Bi | Bismuth | 208.9804 |
84 | Po | Polonium | [209] |
85 | At | Astatine | [210] |
86 | Rn | Radon | [222] |
87 | Fr | Francium | [223] |
88 | Ra | Radium | [226] |
89–103 | Ac-Lr | Actinides | [227-262] |
104 | Rf | Rutherfordium | [267] |
105 | Db | Dubnium | [270] |
106 | Sg | Seaborgium | [271] |
107 | Bh | Bohrium | [270] |
108 | Hs | Hassium | [277] |
109 | Mt | Meitnerium | [278] |
110 | Ds | Darmstadtium | [281] |
111 | Rg | Roentgenium | [282] |
112 | Cn | Copernicium | [285] |
113 | Nh | Nihonium | [286] |
114 | Fl | Flerovium | [289] |
115 | Mc | Moscovium | [290] |
116 | Lv | Livermorium | [293] |
117 | Ts | Tennessine | [294] |
118 | Og | Oganesson | [294] |
Understanding the Periodic Table
- Atomic Number: Represents the number of protons in an atom.
- Atomic Mass: The total weight of protons and neutrons in an atom’s nucleus.
Important Features of Periodic Table (आवर्त सारणी की महत्वपूर्ण विशेषताएँ)
- Periodic Trends: The periodic table helps to predict chemical reactivity, electronegativity, and ionization energy of elements.
- Valency: Elements in the same group usually have the same valency.
- Atomic Radius: It decreases across a period and increases down a group.
Modern Periodic Law (आधुनिक आवर्त नियम)
According to the modern periodic law, the properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. This means that elements with similar atomic numbers tend to have similar properties.
आधुनिक आवर्त नियम के अनुसार, तत्वों के गुणधर्म उनके परमाणु संख्या के आवर्त फलन होते हैं। इसी वजह से समान परमाणु संख्या वाले तत्व समान रासायनिक गुणधर्म दिखाते हैं।
Conclusion (निष्कर्ष)
The periodic table is one of the most important tools in chemistry. It provides essential information about each element’s properties, atomic number, and atomic mass, which are crucial for understanding chemical reactions and bonding.
आवर्त सारणी रसायन विज्ञान का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है, जो हमें तत्वों के गुणों और उनके आपसी संबंधों को समझने में मदद करता है। इसका उपयोग वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान और शैक्षिक उद्देश्यों के लिए किया जाता है।
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